First Trimester: One Month - 1-4 weeks - Complete! Two Months- 5-8 weeks - Complete! Three Months- 9-13 weeks - Complete! Second Trimester: Four Months- 14-17 weeks - Complete! Five Months- 18-21weeks - Complete! Six Months- 22-26 weeks - Complete! Third Trimester: Seven Months- 27-30 weeks - Complete! Eight Months- 31-35 weeks - Complete! Nine Months- 36- 40 weeks -Complete! Waiting on our lil princess to show up on her own time- Interupted by pitocin and an emergency c-section on 10-28-09!
GP Abbreviations
2ww: two week wait. af : aunt flow. cd : cycle day. ch: crosshair. dh : dear husband. dpo: days past ovulation. ff : ku : knocked up. lo: little one. lp: luteal phase. o : ovulate. poas: pee on a stick. tmi: too much information.
1 comment:
I love her nursery!
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