How far along? 10 Wks today
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't gained any of the five I had lost back.
Maternity clothes? not yet but soon :)
Stretch marks? um yeah, but i had them long before babystein was in the picture.
Sleep: I am getting a little better on sleep, I go to bed early but I now have an internal clock that wakes me to pee between 4:45 and 5:30
Best moment this week: Seeing the heart beat it was 171 bpm
Movement: none
Food cravings: no cravings
Gender: My MIL swears that we will have her grandson but, we have no real clue yet!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? It's in.
What I miss: Nothing! I will give up anything to have a H&H 9 mths
What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to my next appt which is April 15th so I can hear that heart beat :)
Weekly Wisdom: Eat healthy and get your rest!
Milestones: The 1st u/s, seeing the heart beat, and getting a due date 10-23-09
March 27, 2009
1st u/s and new EDD
Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't been a good poster! I am going to try and do my every week pic and how I am feeling from now on!
We had our first u/s yesterday and it was great! We found out that I was a little further along then originally thought! I am 10 weeks today! Which makes my EDD Oct 23rd. I am so happy to have seen the heart beat it was going 171 bpm. Yesterday was the best day I have had since finding out that we are pg. Here is our baby's first photo!

More to come in a few!
10 wks :)
We had our first u/s yesterday and it was great! We found out that I was a little further along then originally thought! I am 10 weeks today! Which makes my EDD Oct 23rd. I am so happy to have seen the heart beat it was going 171 bpm. Yesterday was the best day I have had since finding out that we are pg. Here is our baby's first photo!
More to come in a few!
10 wks :)
March 19, 2009
Confirmation is amazing! Clayton and I really wanted to beleive that we were pg but I had to hear it from the dr! And I heard it today!
My dr said that everything feels and looks good! She thinks that I am about 5-7 weeks and my due date will be end of Oct-mid Nov.
I am so excited and can't wait to see my baby next Thursday!
More to follow later! Right now mama is hungry! :)
My dr said that everything feels and looks good! She thinks that I am about 5-7 weeks and my due date will be end of Oct-mid Nov.
I am so excited and can't wait to see my baby next Thursday!
More to follow later! Right now mama is hungry! :)
So nervous....
I can't sleep! I have my first dr appt today to see if my at home pregnancy test told me the truth. I am so nervous that I am going to go in there and there is going to be something wrong!
I am trying to think positive.... but I was throwing up like all weekend and then the last two days I haven't even been nauseated. I still have sore nips, exauhausted all the time, and pee more than I used to. I have only had heartburn twice since finding out last Thursday.
Please have good thoughts for me and I will update tonight!
I am trying to think positive.... but I was throwing up like all weekend and then the last two days I haven't even been nauseated. I still have sore nips, exauhausted all the time, and pee more than I used to. I have only had heartburn twice since finding out last Thursday.
Please have good thoughts for me and I will update tonight!
March 15, 2009
1 st week- ? Weeks ? Days- TBD
How far along? I'll find out Thursday at my dr.s appt. My last AF was 12-1-08 but I have PCOS and irregular cycles
Total weight gain/loss: I have lost 5 lbs in 1 week. But I don't eat and I vomit in the mornings
Maternity clothes? not yet
Stretch marks? um yeah, but i had them long before babystein was in the picture.
Sleep: I sleep all day at work then come home and go to sleep!
Best moment this week: Finding out that I am KU!!!
Movement: none
Food cravings: no cravings, but no appetite either
Gender: My MIL swears that we will have her grandson but, we have no real clue yet!
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? It's in.
What I miss: Nothing! I will give up anything to have a H&H 9 mths
What I am looking forward to: Thursday! My first dr appt to find out how far along and when my EDD is :)
Weekly Wisdom: Relax, don't stress and sleep when you are tired!
Milestones: Finding out that I was pg!
BFP and Symptoms!
1st test Thursday night from the Dollar General
2nd test Thursday night from Walgreens
I found out on Thursday that I was pg.
My symptoms started Monday at lunch. I was eating left over stew and everytime I tried to take a bite I would gag. Same thing happend on Tuesday when I tried to eat a hot ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.
Wed and Thurs I had naseau but no vomiting. So Thursday I decided to stop and buy a dollar store pg test and it was positive. Later that night I got a digital that said pregnant and then Friday morning Clayton brought home another digital that said pregnant too!
Friday I vomited one time before breakfast and after that I had naseau all day long and couldn't eat anything but cereal.
Saturday I vomited one time before breakfast. I ate some cereal again and I was able to eat some grapes later that afternoon. Then cereal for dinner.
Sunday(today) I vomited one time before breakfast. I ate cereal for breakfast drank a smoothie king strawberry lemon twist for lunch and ate some grapes for a snack. For dinner I was able to eat some hamburger helper but it tasted nasty. I had a little bit of naseau around lunch time today but that was it.
P.S. I am so happy to be pg that I wouldn't mine vomiting all day everday as long as babystein comes out healthy at 9 mths.
March 13, 2009
Quick update
I talked to the dr today and made an appt for next Thursday at 3:00pm.
We have told just about anyone that we want to know so I am still in shock and so excited!
I will try and post symptoms and pics tomorrow!
Off to bed for now :)
We have told just about anyone that we want to know so I am still in shock and so excited!
I will try and post symptoms and pics tomorrow!
Off to bed for now :)
I finally got it!!!! I got a BFP without the doctor taking all my money!!! :) I am still in shock! I am on the phone with the doctors office right now!!!! I will post later with pics and symptoms!
March 10, 2009
Color Quiz
#EE82EE |
Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be. Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan. Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything. |
See what color you are!
March 09, 2009
Way to long since....
I blogged last. Lots of things happening over here:
1. Dh and I have decided not to go to the RE yet. We need to save up more money to afford the treatments. We are not putting TTC on hold just hoping that I O even though I haven't O'd yet. When we save up some more money, and if we haven't gotten pg by then, then we will go to the RE.
2. My job is going great. I love everything that I do. I am making more opportunities for myself there everyday.
3. I just found out a couple hours ago that my BFF IRL is pg. I am so happy for her. I wanted to get pg at the same time but everything happens for a reason. I really am so thrilled that it only took them 4 months and they don't have to go through all the hard times month after month. I think dh and I are going to be like the Aunt and Uncle even though there is no family relation. :)
Sorry I was MIA I will try and post more often.
1. Dh and I have decided not to go to the RE yet. We need to save up more money to afford the treatments. We are not putting TTC on hold just hoping that I O even though I haven't O'd yet. When we save up some more money, and if we haven't gotten pg by then, then we will go to the RE.
2. My job is going great. I love everything that I do. I am making more opportunities for myself there everyday.
3. I just found out a couple hours ago that my BFF IRL is pg. I am so happy for her. I wanted to get pg at the same time but everything happens for a reason. I really am so thrilled that it only took them 4 months and they don't have to go through all the hard times month after month. I think dh and I are going to be like the Aunt and Uncle even though there is no family relation. :)
Sorry I was MIA I will try and post more often.
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